terça-feira, 15 de março de 2011

CANCER IS A FUNGUS... CURABLE / Dr.Tullio Simoncin & David Icke


By David Icke
The figures are fantastic. Some eight million people die every year from cancer worldwide, more than half a million in the United States alone. The global number is predicted to rise to twelve million by 2030.

Cancer is the biggest cause of death for people under 85 and in the US one in four people die from cancer - one in four.

We have our freedoms removed by the day to 'protect the public from terrorism' when all these people are suffering and dying every year from a disease that the bloodline families and their pharmaceutical cartel systematically refuse to cure.

Together we can, yes, but not if the drug companies are involved. Immense amounts of money are raised through charities every year to fund the search for a 'cure' that the establishment has no intention of finding.

I highlighted in a newsletter on August 9th how a man called Dr Richard Day, the head of the Rockefeller-controlled eugenics organisation, Planned Parenthood, had addressed a meeting of doctors in Pittsburgh in 1969 about the coming transformation of global society.

He asked the doctors to turn off recording equipment and not to take notes before he detailed a long list of changes that were planned. One doctor did take notes, however, and later talked publicly about what was said.

Now, 40 years later, we can see how extraordinarily accurate Day was and you can read that August newsletter in the archive on the website. The reason I mention him again here is that he told those doctors in 1969:

'We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it's ever decided that it should be released.'

Day said that letting people die of cancer would slow down population growth - 'You may as well die of cancer as something else'. These people no soul and that's why they do what they do.

Big Pharma has no desire to cure cancer when it is making vast fortunes from treating the symptoms with devastating drugs and cell-killing, people-killing poisons like chemotherapy. But it is not primarily even about money. The bloodline families want people to suffer and die earlier than necessary as a way of culling the population.

This is why when anyone outside the Big Pharma cabal discovers an effective way of treating cancer they are immediately targeted by the medical establishment and government agencies.

One such case is the Italian doctor, Tullio Simoncini, a brilliant and courageous man who has refused to bow to the enormous pressure he has faced, and continues to face, after he realised what cancer is and how it can be dealt with.

Simoncini's 'crime' has been to discover that cancer is a fungus caused by Candida, a yeast-like organism that lives in the body in small amounts even in healthy people. The immune system keeps it under control normally, but when the Candida morphs into a powerful fungus some serious health problems can follow - including cancer.

My friend, Mike Lambert, at the Shen Clinic near my home on the Isle of Wight, says of Candida:

'Fungus, and Candida in particular, thrive by eating the body of its host (yours) by dissolving it. It also needs your body to breed, as it can't do this on its own. No wonder in Chronic Fatigue conditions, which can in many cases be attributed to Candida colonisation, the sufferer feels so bad both physically and psychologically.'

Tullio Simoncini says that cancer is this Candida fungal infection and that the conventional medical explanation of cancer as a cellular malfunction is plain wrong.


Simoncini is a specialist in oncology (treatment of tumors), diabetes and metabolic disorders, but he is more than that. He is a real doctor who seeks to uncover the truth for the benefit of his patients and refuses to parrot the official version of what doctors should do and think.

He challenges the dogma of 'intellectual conformity' with all its unproven assumptions, lies, manipulation and falsehoods and he has been extremely critical of the medical establishment as it continues to pursue 'treatments' that are useless in curing the global epidemic of cancer.

From the time he entered medicine he realised that something was seriously wrong with the way cancer was treated:

'I see terrible sufferings. I was in a paediatric oncological ward - all the children died. I was suffering when I was looking at the poor, poor children dying with chemo, with radiation.'

His frustration and sorrow at what he was seeing led him to go in search of new ways to understand, and therefore treat, this devastating disease. He began his journey with an open mind and a blank sheet of paper unsullied by any rigid assumptions pedalled and indoctrinated by mainstream 'medicine' and 'science'.

How many more have to suffer before people stop seeing doctors as all-knowing 'gods' and realise the stupendous scale of ignorance involved?

Simoncini realised that all cancers acted the same way no matter where they were in the body or what form they took. There had to be a common denominator. He also observed that the cancer 'lumps' were always white.

What else is white? Candida.

Simoncini realised that what mainstream medicine believed to be cell growth going wild - 'cancerous growth' - is actually the immune system producing cells to defend the body from Candida attack. He says the sequence goes like this:
• Candida is normally kept under control by the immune system, but when that becomes undermined and weakened the Candida can expand and build a 'colony'.
• The Candida eventually penetrates an organ and the immune system has to respond to the threat in another way.
• This 'way' is to build a defensive barrier with its own cells and this growth is what we call cancer.
It is said that the spreading of cancer to other parts of the body is caused by 'malignant' cells escaping from their origin. Simoncini, however, says this is not the case at all. The spread of cancer is triggered by the real cause of cancer, the Candia fungus, escaping from the original source.

What allows cancer to manifest, as I have been saying in my books for years, is a weakened immune system. When that is working efficiently it deals with the problem before it gets out of hand. In this case, it keeps the Candida under control.

But look at what has been happening as cancer numbers worldwide have soared and soared. There has been a calculated war on the human immune system that has got more vociferous with every decade.

The immune system is weakened and attacked by food and drink additives, chemical farming, vaccinations, electromagnetic and microwave technology and frequencies, pharmaceutical drugs, the stress of modern 'life', and so much more.

What defences are today's children going to have when they are given 25 vaccinations and combinations of them, before the age of two - while their immune system is still forming for goodness sake?

This is how the Illuminati families are seeking to instigate a mass cull of the population. By dismantling the body's natural defence to disease.

Now, here's the real shocker. What destroys the immune system quicker than anything else?


You can add radiation to that as well. Chemotherapy is a poison designed to kill cells. Er, that's it.

The 'cutting-edge' of mainstream cancer 'treatment' is to poison the victim and hope that you kill the cancer cells before you have killed enough healthy cells to kill the patient.

But wait. This chemotherapy poison also kills the cells of the immune system and leaves it shot to pieces. And the Candida is still there.

This devastated immune system cannot respond effectively to the Candida and it takes over other parts of the body to start the process again, so causing the cancer to spread. Even those who appear to have recovered after surgery and chemotherapy and been given 'the all-clear' are just a ticking clock.

Their immune system is now shattered and it is only a matter of time before the Candida triggers a relapse. In other words:

Chemotherapy is killing the people it is supposed to be curing.

Of course, it can never 'cure' anyone of anything, except life. It is a poison destroying the very system that we need to be healthy and strong if we are to be cured.

When Simoncini realised that cancer is a fungal infection, or infestation, he went in search of something that would kill the fungus and so remove the cancer. He realised that anti-fungal drugs don't work because the fungus quickly mutates to defend itself and then even starts to feed off the drugs that are prescribed to kill it.

Instead, Simoncini found something much, much simpler - sodium bicarbonate. Yes, the main ingredient in good old baking soda (but I stress not the same as baking soda, which has other ingredients).

He used this because it is a powerful destroyer of fungus and, unlike the drugs, the Candida cannot 'adapt' to it. The patient is given sodium bicarbonate orally and through internal means like an endoscope, a long thin tube that doctors use to see inside the body without surgery. This allows the sodium bicarbonate to be placed directly on the cancer - the fungus.

The ancient Egyptians knew about the healing properties of anti-fungal substances and Indian books going back a thousand years actually recommend 'alkaline of strong potency' for treating cancer.

In 1983, Simoncini treated an Italian man, Gennaro Sangermano, who had been given months to live with lung cancer. A few months later he wasn't dead, he was back to health and the cancer was gone.

More success followed and Simoncini presented his findings to the Italian Department of Health in the hope that they would begin scientifically-approved trials to show that it worked. But he was to learn the true scale of medical manipulation and deceit.

The authorities not only ignored his documentation, he was disbarred from the Italian Medical Order for prescribing cures that had not been approved. Yep, I really said that - for prescribing cures that had not been approved.

He was subjected to a vicious campaign of ridicule and condemnation by the pathetic media and then jailed for three years for causing 'wrongful death' to patients he had treated. From all angles the word was out - get Simoncini.

The medical establishment said that his claims about sodium bicarbonate were 'crazy' and 'dangerous'. One 'leading doctor' even ludicrously referred to sodium bicarbonate as a 'drug'.

All the time millions of people were dying from cancers that could have been treated effectively. These people don't give a shit.

Tullio Simoncini is, thankfully, no quitter and he has continued to circulate his work on the Internet and in public talks. I heard of him through Mike Lambert at the Shen Clinic and Simoncini spoke there while I was away in the United States.

I know that he is having remarkable success in dramatically reducing and removing altogether even some real late stage cancers using sodium bicarbonate. This can take months in some cases, but in others, like breast cancer where the tumour is easily accessible, it can be days before it is no more.

People are also curing themselves under Simoncini's guidance and at the end of this article I have linked to some videos in which you can hear people talk about their experiences and cures.

I wrote a newsletter last April about the fact that cancer is a fungus in an article about the findings of two British scientists and researchers, Professor Gerry Potter of the Cancer Drug Discovery Group and Professor Dan Burke. Their combined findings reveal the following ...
Cancer cells have a unique 'biomarker' that normal cells do not, an enzyme called CYP1B1 (pronounced sip-one-bee-one). Enzymes are proteins that 'catalyse' (increase the rate of) chemical reactions.
The CYP1B1 alters the chemical structure of something called salvestrols that are found naturally in many fruit and vegetables. This chemical change turns the salvestrols into an agent that kills cancer cells, but does no harm to healthy cells.

The synchronicity is perfect. The CYP1B1 enzyme appears only in cancer cells and it reacts with salvestrols in fruit and vegetables to create a chemical substance that kills only cancer cells.
But here's the point with regard to cancer being a fungus. Salvestrols are the natural defence system in fruit and vegetables against fungal attacks and that's why you only find them in those species subject to fungus damage, like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, blackcurrants, redcurrants, blackberries, cranberries, apples, pears, green vegetables (especially broccoli and the cabbage family), artichokes, red and yellow peppers, avocados, watercress, asparagus and aubergines.
What's more, the Big Pharma/Big Biotech cartels know all this and they have done two major things to undermine this natural defence from the fungal attack that is cancer.
1. The chemical fungicide sprays used in modern farming kill fungus artificially and this means the plants and crops do not have to trigger their own defence - salvestrols. You only find them in any amount today in organically grown food.
2. The most widely-used fungicides are very powerful blockers of CYP1B1 and so if you eat enough chemically-produced food it wouldn't matter how many salvestrols you consumed they would not be activated into the cancer-destroying agent they are designed to be.
This is not by accident, but by calculated design, as were, and are, the attempts by the establishment to destroy Tullio Simoncini. The families want people to die of cancer, not be cured of it. They are mentally and emotionally as sick as you can imagine and see humans as sheep and cattle.
They don't care how much distress, suffering and death their manipulation and suppression will cause - the more the better from their insane perspective. And that is what these people are ... insane.
But Simoncini refuses to buckle and continues to campaign for what has seen is an effective treatment for cancer, while, in the 'real' world, the number of cancer deaths goes on rising incessantly because of treatments that don't work based on assumptions that aren't true.
It is indeed a crazy, crazy society, but then, from the perspective of the bloodline families, it's meant to be. Thank goodness for courageous and committed people like Tullio Simoncini. We need more like him - and quick.
What a stark contrast he is to those who serve the medical establishment. When Simoncini spoke at the Shen Clinic a few weeks ago some local doctors dismissed him before he arrived and ridiculed his views.
They were invited along to his talk, which would have been of enormous potential benefit to their patients. Chairs were reserved for them to hear what Simoncini was saying first hand and give them the chance to ask any questions.
What happened?
They never came.

Tullio Simoncini on video and accounts of those who have experienced his treatments

Click here for the Shen Clinic Website ...

Tullio Simoncini Website
Click here ...

Simple Test To See Your Candida Levels
Click here and it is in the right column ...

"Candida Albicans - fungo que, segundo muitos cientistas, está na origem do cancro.
Este fungo alimenta-se exclusivamente de... AÇÚCAR!!
.... A maioria das pessoas têm Candida no sangue. Não estamos a falar de Candidiase, mas sim de colonização. É um marcador que é facilmente observável no sangue (através de microscopio biológico). Provoca cansaço, tonturas, fraqueza geral e uma série de sintomas. O problema é que a maior parte das pessoas ingere hidratos de carbono complexos e açúcar puro em excesso." Paulo Fernandes
Young Breast Cancer Patient Aysha and Tullio Simoncini’s Baking Soda Therapy
Dr Tullio Simoncini "Cancer is a Fungus" / Sodium Bicarbonate, will be giving a presentation on October 9th 2010 on the Isle of Wight.
He will be introduced and interviewed by David Icke. Both David Icke and Tullio Simoncini will be available throughout the day until late in the evening to mingle and chat. Numbers limited to 200.
As a David Icke supporter (like us) if you go to www.naturopharma.com you can book on-line.
This is likely to be a memorable occasion. If you can make it, it would be a pleasure to meet you there.
Dr. Simoncini
By admin, 30 August, 2010, No Comment
Tullio Simoncini (1951) is a roman doctor specialized in oncology, diabetology and in metabolic disorders.
He has a strong opposition to any type of intellectual conformity, which is often based on suppositions without foundation or worse, on lies and falsities.
When, considering the total failure of official oncology, which is obvious to all, one can understand his strongly critical position of an Italian and global medical system that operates in what is a scientific dead end that is of no help whatsoever to the patients.
Dr. Simoncini cultivates sports and takes care of his mind and body by following elementary natural rules such as a healthy diet, physical activity and the practice of moral responsibility. His favorite sports are jogging, skiing and soccer.
His tendency to medical and scientific synthesis also stems from a natural sensitivity that tends to perceive the harmony of the whole as distinct from the value of its constituent parts. This quality is reinforced and expressed by his propensity for music, and cultivated by his practice of musical instruments such as piano and classical and modern guitar.
When a student in high school and university, his musical abilities led him to form various musical bands that toured central Italy.
Simoncini’s personality is pervaded by a strong humanitarianism, which triggered him to reflect, because of the impotence of medicine when faced by the pain of patients, on how little and inadequate medicine’s fundamental knowledge is. This empathy for the pain of others has been the constant motivator on the path of his personal life.
He’s always travelling throughout the Italy to explain his theory in congresses, conferences and interviews, and to show how many patients healed from cancer.
Dr. Simoncini discovered that the cause of this terrible illness is a fungus and tried hard to persuade scientists how wrong are the actual theories on cancer. His therapy based on the strongest antifungal substance, sodium bicarbonate, is harmless and very effective and should be adopted all over the world.
{Comments are closed}
Sodium Bicarbonate – a natural way to treat cancer
"The fundamental reason and the motives that suggest a therapy with sodium bicarbonate against tumours is that, although with the concurrence of a myriad of variable concausal factors – the development and the local and remote proliferation of these tumours has a cause that is exclusively fungin".
Dr. Tullio Simoncini

Dr. T. Simoncini, an oncologist in Rome, Italy has pioneered sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) therapy as a means to treat cancer. The fundamental theory behind this treatment lies in the fact that, despite a number of variable factors, the formation and spreading of tumors is simply the result of the presence of a fungus.

Sodium bicarbonate
Sodium bicarbonate, unlike other anti-fungal remedies to which the fungus can become immune, is extremely diffusible and retains its ability to penetrate the tumor, due to the speed at which the sodium bicarbonate disintegrates the tumor. This speed makes fungi’s adaptability impossible, rendering it defenseless. The sodium bicarbonate solution is administered directly on the tumor, if possible. Otherwise, it can be administered by selective arteriography, which basically means selecting specific arteries through which the solution is administered, which subsequently dissolves the tumor.

By admin, 2 December, 2010, No Comment
Dr. Simoncini
New design
Nowadays things change so rapidly that it is hard to stay in line with the new internet developments and requirements. What today is judged to be the best it will became in no time history. Therefore after 3 years of existence we decided to re-build our internet’ site. We felt that we had to move to another design more on accordance with the new media forms and above all easier and faster to use.
Although this new design has been built in accordance with the W3C standard, please do not hesitate to leave any comments you deem necessary in order to improve the quality of this website.
If you are a returning visitor maybe you are a bit confused by the new look of curenaturalicancro.com. Please use the search-box on the right top of the screen and type your search word. All information from the former homepage is still there.
Book Cancer is a fungus
Among the many books that try to give an answer to the problem “cancer”, the one given by the oncologist Tullio Simoncini distinguishes itself by its simplicity and its innovative ideology.
The book “Cancer is a fungus” written by Dr. Simoncini describes how a fungal infection always forms the basis of all neoplastic formation, and this formation tries to spread within the whole organism without stopping.
The book, now also available in French and Dutch, is an attack on flawed, futile conventional cancer thinking/treatments and a call for a radical reassessment of the disease based on the model that cancer is a fungus—specifically, Candida albicans—and thus can be treated with antifungal medicine.
Read more
Dr. Simoncini protocol treatments overview:
Treatable are malignant tumors. Dr. Simoncini’s treatment Protocol does not seem to have much effect on leukemia and hematological malignancies.
Leukemia and hematological malignancies seem to have some other cause.
In general, the Simoncini Protocol exhibits great effectiveness on tumors/cancer labeled as solid cancer.
See all protocols listed
Dr. Simoncini and his co-workers are now working on humanitarian grounds, not charging for their time and effort, because they feel how important it is. Sometimes they have even been able to arrange that patients who do not have the money to pay for treatments are treated without cost.
David Icke Exposed Dr Death
Tullio Simoncini or Dr Death as I call him, has a controversial ‘theory’ which states that ALL cancer is nothing more than a reaction to excess Candida fungus. He also claims that cancer can be treated effectively with bicarbonate of soda!!! Icke apparently also subscribes to this ludicrous ‘theory’.
Meanwhile back in the real world, there are about 200 different types of cancer. They can start in any type of body tissue. What affects one body tissue may not affect another. For example, tobacco smoke that you breathe in may help to cause lung cancer. Overexposing your skin to the sun could cause a melanoma on your leg. But the sun won’t give you lung cancer and smoking won’t give you melanoma.
Apart from infectious diseases, most illnesses are ‘multifactorial’. Cancer is no exception. Multifactorial means that there are many factors involved. In other words, there is no single cause for any one type of cancer.
For Tullio Simoncini and David Icke to make such a sweeping, generalised claim about all cancer being caused by candida fungus, is grossly irresponsible and misleading. For somebody who is suffering from cancer or their relatives, it could make them think that all they need to is pay Tullio Simoncini his fee and he will destroy the cancer in their bodies with his bicarbonate of soda treatments.
Tullio Simoncini lost his official license to practice medicine in 2003 in Italy. On May 2006 he was convicted to 3 y. for manslaughter of the first patient and 16 months for having charged 7.500 EUR each to the other 2 patients. This man is dangerous and I would strongly recommend that ANYONE thinking of having their cancer problems or the cancer problems of their relatives treated by Tullio Simoncini, to think again.
Here’s a partial list of people who were ‘treated’ by Tullio Simoncini and have since died. http://www.123hjemmeside.dk/cancer_is_not_a_fungus/21160738
For you further enlightenment, here’s some good links on this subject.

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